Westside III 42-inch Water Transmission Main

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$18,000,000.00
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

The 42-inch in diameter Westside III Water Transmission Main will be constructed from the Westside Water Treatment Plant, south to a water ground storage tank site just south of Interstate 20. 

  • Part 1 will be constructed from the Westside Water Treatment Plant on Old Weatherford Road, south to Camp Bowie Boulevard or Interstate 30. The exact alignment is being finalized. The 42-inch in diameter main will be part of the connection to the Westside II ground storage tank and the Westside IV and Westside V pump stations.
  • Part 2 will be constructed from Camp Bowie Boulevard or Interstate 30 to just south of Interstate 20. The exact alignment is being finalized. The 42-inch in diameter main will be part of the connection to the Westside II ground storage tank and the Westside IV and Westside V pump stations.


The water ground storage tank site is located west of Markum Ranch Road, east and north of Aledo Road/FM 1024.


The water main will connect to the Westside II 24-inch in diameter water main. The two mains will connect to the Westside II ground storage tank and the Westside IV and Westside V pump stations.


The 42-inch in diameter main is in Fort Worth Council District 3, Fort Worth Council District 7 and Fort Worth’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.


Other projects connected to the Westside III 42-inch Water Transmission Main project include: 

Project Meeting



Project Update


12301 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth 76008  View Map

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