Drop-Off Stations


Drop-Off Stations are open to Fort Worth homeowners and some renters for disposal of trash, brush, recyclables, and household chemicals. To use a Drop-Off Station, show a recent Fort Worth water bill or current driver’s license with a Fort Worth address to prove you have an active sanitation account. Renters with a Fort Worth address may use Drop-Off Stations if they have a current Fort Worth water bill. Apartment renters may use the stations for recyclables only.

Residents must unload their own materials and place them in the appropriate waste container, with the exception of household chemicals that has a designated collection table. 

Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping and littering is a crime. To report illegal dumping sites, call 817-392-1234. If you observe illegal dumping occurring, call the Non-Emergency Police Dispatch at 817-392-4222 to assist with catching the criminals in action.

Note: Items listed below and quantities are for the Drop-Off Stations only. Environmental Collection Center items and limits may vary.


Step 1.What type vehicle is allowed?

  • Only single-axle trailers (personal and/or rented) are permitted for transporting materials to drop-off stations. Box trucks are not allowed. 

Step 2.What's Accepted?

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  • Bagged garbage
  • Single stream recyclables, including all clean and dry paper items:
    • newspaper, magazines, catalogs
    • junk mail cardboard boxes
    • chip-board
    • office paper
    • aseptic milk
    • juice and soup cartons
    • rinsed and empty plastic containers (rigid plastic milk jugs, detergent containers, etc.)
    • glass, steel and aluminum containers and cans
    Scrap metal materials, including:
    • gutters
    • metal fencing and posts (If posts contain concrete or other non-metal material, it must be separated from scrap metal collection and placed in regular trash disposal.)
    • rebar
    • mailboxes
    • baking or cooking sheets
    • pots, pans and skillets
    • car parts (No engine parts accepted.)
  • Bulky trash (larger than a residential trash cart)
    • including broken furniture
    • vacuums, mops or brooms
    • framed mirrors or paintings
    • glass windows or doors
    • patio umbrellas
    • small bookshelves
    • lamps, chairs, tables
    • mattresses and box springs
  • Clean brush
  • Yard trimmings (Must be securely contained or bagged.)
  • Passenger vehicle tires Limit four per household every six months
  • Minor do-it-yourself (DIY) residential remodeling debris Limit 10 cubic yards every 30 days
  • Appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners that do/do not contain Freon or other coolants
  • Small lawn and garden equipment (Drain all liquids, gasoline and oil.)
  • Electronics, computers, televisions Limit two every six months
  • Household chemicals and products:
    • automotive fluids (gasoline, motor oil, transmission fluids, brake fluid and antifreeze in labeled containers)
    • all batteries (household and auto)
    • home and bathroom chemicals
    • cooking oil, lawn/garden chemicals (herbicide, pesticides and fertilizers)
    • pool chemicals
    • light bulbs (fluorescent, incandescent, CFLs)
    • paint Limit 20 gallons per household every 90 days
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Free secure paper shredding (Available to residents every day.) Download PDF for further details(PDF, 595KB).
    • Secure shred carts have been installed at all drop-off stations.
    • Residents can bring up to three boxes (letter/legal size dimensions: 15"L x 12"W x 10"H) per visit and up to six boxes every 30 days of personal, sensitive documents to be securely shredded.
    Styrofoam is now accepted at all drop-off stations. Items that can be recycled include:
    • cups
    • coolers
    • foam ice chests
    • to-go food containers
    • egg cartons
    • rigid packaging (Styrofoam used for shipping and packing items such as electronics)
    • Ensure food containers are empty, clean and dry.
  • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
    • Residents are to place all household chemicals on the designated HHW collection tables.

If you need to dispose of an item not specifically listed above, call 817-392-1234 for more information.

Step 3.Optional disposal of materials

Food Scrap Composting Program

Fort Worth residents now have the opportunity to turn even more waste into resources by collecting their food scraps, which can be processed into compost — a rich soil nutrient. When composted, food scraps are diverted from your garbage cart, helping to preserve the life of the city’s landfill.

Check out how you can participate in the Residential Food Scrap Composting Pilot Program.

Not Allowed

Step 1.What type vehicle is NOT allowed?

  • Dual-axle trailers are not allowed, only single-axle trailers permitted.
  • Box trucks are not allowed, only single-axle trailers permitted.

  • Commercial labeled vehicles.

  • Landscapers and contractors must dispose of waste at a permitted mulching or compost site.

Step 2.What's NOT Accepted?

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  • Loads that are not properly tarped, secured or covered will not be accepted.
  • Loose trash, leaves, grass, or other small debris (All small loose items must be securely contained or bagged.)
  • Commercial/Business waste or materials
  • Landlord-based residential waste from Fort Worth rental properties. These items are accepted at the city’s Southeast Landfill for minimum one-ton rate or per-ton fee for larger loads.
  • Concrete, rock, dirt and ceramic tile.
  • Explosives or ammunition. For proper disposal of these items, call 817-392-4222.
  • Roofing material (residential or commercial). Landfill disposal sites are available for these items.
  • Asbestos
  • PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyl
  • Oxygen, C02, butane, helium or propane tanks
  • Radioactive items such as oilfield pipes or smoke detectors
  • Titled vehicles such as mopeds, motorcycles, or jet skis
    • Vehicles must be taken to the Goodwill Center at 4005 Campus Drive, or
    • Coordinated for pickup by Goodwill directly at 866-492-2770.
  • For Paper Shredding Program, the following will not be accepted:
    • metal clips, binders
    • CDs, DVDs, floppy disks
    • photos
    • credit cards
    • plastic of any kind
    • No documents with name and address only; these should be recycled.
    • These items shall be placed in regular waste or recycle containers where applicable.

Step 3.Restrictions

  • Tenants of apartment complexes may use the drop-off stations for single-stream recyclables only.
  • To have access to the facility, all loads must be tarped, secured or covered with no loose debris. Loads not tarped, secured or covered will be turned away.
  • All small loose items such as trash, leaves, grass trimmings, small sheet rock pieces, etc. must be securely contained or bagged.
  • All items and materials for disposal must come from the account holder residence only.
  • Children under 12 years old are not allowed outside the vehicle.
  • Pets are not allowed outside of the vehicle.
  • No smoking is allowed within the drop-off stations.

Step 4.Household Hazardous Waste

Cities who are participating members of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), as well as Fort Worth multi-family/apartment tenants, must continue to use the Environmental Collection Center located at 6400 Bridge St.


Drop-Off Stations

Brennan Drop-off Station
2400 Brennan Ave.

Southeast Drop-off Station
5150 Martin Luther King Freeway

Old Hemphill Road Drop-off Station
6260 Old Hemphill Road

Hillshire Drop-off Station (North Service Center)
301 Hillshire Dr.


8 a.m.-6 p.m.


8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Closed Sundays


Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.


Not sure which Drop-Off Station is closest to you?
Use the interactive map below and simply enter your address to find the nearest location.

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Drop Off Station English(PDF, 782KB)  Drop Off Station Spanish(PDF, 932KB)


I am not a Fort Worth resident, can I use the Drop-Off Stations?

No. Only City of Fort Worth residents with current water and sanitation services are allowed to use the Drop-Off Stations.

How many times can I go to the DOS?

There is no maximum on the number of times you can frequent the Drop-Off Stations. However, there may be a limitation on the amounts and types of material disposed within the last 30 days of your visit. 

For example, the limit on construction materials is 10 cubic yards every 30 days, which is approximately 3-4 truckloads. If you are planning to bring a combination of materials, such as brush, household garbage and household recycling, you can bring up to 15 cubic yards every 30 days, which is approximately 4-5 truckloads. 

Once you have reached the limitation for a specific item or type of material, you will have to wait 30 days (or other specified timeframe) to dispose of additional amounts of that item, but can continue to bring other materials for disposal at the DOS.

Can my friend use my water bill?

No, only residents with a current Fort Worth water bill can utilize the DOS. You cannot send anyone else to the DOS with your water bill or ID. You must accompany them.

Do you accept materials and recyclables from commercial businesses?

No, the DOS is for household residents only. If you are a commercial business and need information, visit our Commercial Waste & Recycling site or contact the Material Management team at 817-392-1234.

I live in a mobile home park, can I use the DOS?

Yes, as long as the City of Fort Worth Water and Sanitation fee is paid. 

Can I dispose of bad grease?

Yes, the Drop-Off Stations accept grease as well as limited amounts of other household chemicals like paint, motor oil and cleaning supplies. The limit is 20 gallons every 90 days.

Can I bring shingles?

No, shingles are not accepted at the DOS.

Where can I take dirt and sod?

Dirt and sod can be taken to Silver Creek Materials or the Southeast Landfill


Can I take tires?

Yes, four tires are accepted every six months. DOS does not accept tires from 18-wheeler trucks.

Can I take a freezer to the DOS?

Yes, freezers and other large appliances are accepted, but must be emptied.

Can I dispose a boat?

No, the Drop-Off Stations do not accept any titled motorized vehicles or equipment. However, if the boat has been cut into pieces, it will be accepted as regular trash.

Titled vehicles can be taken to the Goodwill Center-North Central Texas. Call 866-492-2770 to coordinate pickup.   

I am removing my rock fire place and brick chimney, can I take these to the DOS?

No dirt, rocks or bricks are allowed at the DOS. 

How much mulch can I take?

Residents are allowed one load per month at no charge. Piles are self-serve and must be secured with a container or tarp to prevent litter while driving.

Can I take siding of the house to the DOS?

Yes, you can bring up to 10 cubic yards every 30 days. Siding is considered construction material.

City of Fort Worth curbside garbage and recycling services are provided by Waste Management.
