Public Improvement Districts (PIDs)

An image of Hotel Drover used for the PIDs page

Public Improvement Districts (PIDs) are defined geographical areas established to provide specific types of improvements or maintenance, which are financed by assessments against the property owners within the area.

PIDs provide the city with a development tool that allocates costs according to the benefits received. A PID can provide funding for supplemental services and improvements that meet the needs of the community, that could not otherwise be constructed or provided.

Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code authorizes the creation of PIDs by cities. The owners of the properties in the defined PID area can request the City to form a PID through a petition, which may include the establishment of an Advisory Body. Once an Advisory Body is established, the property owners within the PID have control over the types of improvements, level of maintenance, and amount of assessments to be levied against the property owners.


View a GIS map of Fort Worth's PIDs


PID 1: Downtown

PID-1 Downtown(PDF, 3MB)

PID 1 was established in 1986 and re-established in 2009 for a 20-year term, expiring on Sept. 30, 2029. The district includes both residential and commercial properties. The assessment is $0.13 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
Downtown Fort Worth Inc. - Matt Beard, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 792KB)
Visit the Downtown Fort Worth Inc. website »
Assessment Ordinance »(PDF, 522KB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 111KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 9KB)



PID 6: Park Glen

 PID-6_Park_Glen_orthos.jpg(PDF, 4MB)


PID 6 was established in 1998 for a continuous term, and includes both residential and commercial properties. The assessment is $0.035 on commercial properties, and $0.155 on residential properties per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
First Service Residential - Lillian Collins, PID Manager

View the resolution »
Visit the website »
Assessment Ordinance »(PDF, 569KB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 194KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 9KB)


PID 7: Heritage

PID-7_Heritage_orthos.jpg(PDF, 3MB)


PID 7 was established in 2000 for a continuous term, and includes both residential and commercial properties. The assessment is $0.110 on commercial properties and $0.145 on residential properties per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
First Service Residential - Marcus Johnson, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 487KB)
Visit the website » 
Assessment Ordinance  » (PDF, 506KB)      

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 89KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 9KB)

PID 11: Stockyards

PID-11_Stockyards_orthos.jpg(PDF, 3MB)

PID 11 was established in 2003 for a continuous term, and includes commercial properties only. The assessment is $0.12 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
Fort Worth Stockyards Inc. – Paul Paine, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 651KB)
Visit the website » 
Assessment Ordinance  »(PDF, 476KB)               

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 195KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 9KB)

PID 12: Chapel Hill

PID-12_Chapel_Hill_orthos.jpg(PDF, 3MB)

PID 12 was established in 2004 for a continuous term, and includes residential properties only. The assessment is $0.18 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
First Service Residential – Suzanne La Grange, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 350KB)
Visit the website »   
Assessment Ordinance  »(PDF, 493KB)             

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 141KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 63KB)

PID 14: Trinity Bluff

PID-14_Trinity_Bluff_orthos.jpg(PDF, 3MB)

PID 14 was established in 2009 for a 20-year term, expiring on Sept. 30, 2029. The district includes residential properties only. The assessment is $0.10 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
Downtown Fort Worth Inc. - Matt Beard, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 1MB)
Visit the website »   
Assessment Ordinance  »(PDF, 505KB)             

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 411KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 64KB)

PID 15: Sun Valley


PID-15_Sun_Valley_orthos.jpg(PDF, 3MB)

PID 15 was established in 2012 for a 20-year term, expiring on Sept. 30, 2032. The district includes commercial properties only. The assessment is $0.24 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
CP2 Consultants - Chelsea Petty, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 747KB)
Visit the website »
Assessment Ordinance  »   (PDF, 461KB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 605KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 64KB)


PID 16: Walsh Ranch/Quail Valley

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The Fort Worth City Council adopted a resolution authorizing Fort Worth Public Improvement District 16 (Walsh Ranch/Quail Valley) on August 20, 2019. PID 16 shall continue in effect until all obligations of indebtedness for all previously authorized improvement projects and services in the PID have been fully satisfied and discharged.

Click map for more detail.

Management company: 
MuniCap Inc. - Abdi Yassin

View the resolution »(PDF, 1MB)
FAQs Public Improvement District No. 16 »(PDF, 146KB)
Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Service Plan »(PDF, 273KB)



PID 17: Rock Creek Ranch

PID17.jpg(PDF, 311KB)

PID 17 was established in 2016 for a 20-year term, expiring in 2037. It is anticipated that the property will be developed to include approximately 4,917 single family residential homes; 2,520 multi-family residential units; 3,780,000 square feet of commercial space and 960,000 square feet planned as a public university. The estimated tax rate equivalent is approximately $0.06 per $100 of assessed value (subject to change). For additional assessment and PID inquiries please contact the PID management company below.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
MuniCap Inc. - Abdi Yassin


View the resolution »(PDF, 1MB)
FAQs Public Improvement District No. 17 » (PDF, 136KB)
Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Service Plan Update »(PDF, 293KB)


PID 18: Tourism PID

PID 18 was established in Aug. 2017 for a 10-year term, expiring in 2027.

The goals of the proposed Tourism PID focus on increasing the economic impact and enhancing competitiveness in conventions, meetings, leisure and sports tourism, and increasing tourism-related economic activity at all times, including economic downturns and as inventory grows. The proposed Tourism PID projects include incentives and sales efforts, convention and sports marketing and promotion, site visits and familiarization tours, community arts grants, convention services, event funding application, operations, research, and administration, all of which benefit the hotels within the Tourism PID.

The boundaries include non-continuous areas authorized under the Act, consisting only of hotel properties with 100 or more rooms ordinarily used for sleeping, within the City of Fort Worth.

Management company:
Visit Fort Worth - Bob Jameson

View the resolution »(PDF, 55MB)
Hotels  »(PDF, 33KB)
Assessment Ordinance »(PDF, 699KB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 453KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 10KB)

PID 19: Historic Camp Bowie

pid19.jpg(PDF, 2MB)

PID 19 was established Aug. 19, 2018 for a 10-year term, expiring in Sept. 30, 2028, and includes commercial properties. The assessment is $0.10 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
Camp Bowie District - Lydia Rickard

View the resolution »(PDF, 9MB)
Visit the website »
Assessment Ordinance »(PDF, 515KB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 119KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 64KB)

PID 20: East Lancaster Ave.

pid20.jpg(PDF, 2MB)

PID 20 was established Feb. 12, 2019 for a 10-year term, expiring in Sept. 30, 2029, and includes commercial properties. The assessment is $0.266 per $100 of assessed value.

Management company:
First Service Residential – Suzanne La Grange, PID Manager

View the resolution »
Visit the website » 
Assessment Ordinance »(PDF, 459KB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 389KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 64KB)

PID 21: Las Vegas Trail

pid21-zoom.jpg(PDF, 4MB)

PID 21 was established June 22, 2021, for a nine-year term, expiring in Sept. 30, 2029, and includes commercial and multi-family properties. The assessment rate is $0.10 per $100 of assessed value.

Click map for more detail.

Management company:
First Service Residential – Suzanne La Grange, PID Manager

View the resolution »(PDF, 2MB)
View the website »
Assessment Ordinance »(PDF, 2MB)

Five-Year Service Plan »(PDF, 92KB)

Notice of Obligation »(PDF, 63KB)

PID 22: Veale Ranch


PID 22 was established in 2023 for a 60-year term. It's anticipated that the property will be developed to include approximately 6,601 single family residential homes; 11,466,368 square feet of multi-family residential units, and 19,151,154 square feet of commercial space. The assessment is projected to be $3.15 per $100 of assessed value, subject to all taxing jurisdictions (including the Public Improvement District.)


Management company:
Municap Inc. -  Candace Paschal, PID Manager