Residents requiring assistance from the City of Fort Worth (COFW) related to franchise utility work being done in their neighborhood should direct those inquiries to the MyFW App.
These requests are sent real time to inspectors in the field and is the fastest way to ask for inspector to do a site check and determine if violations of permit has occurred.
All franchise utility companies and their contractors are required to :
- Contact the assigned COFW inspector directly and prior to installing any equipment or boring, cutting, removing or replacing pavement.
- Notify customers 48 hours prior to construction via door hangers or notification letter.
Either method must include
- Company Name and 24/7 contact number and name of the utility company
- Indicate proposed start date, type of work to take and estimated timeframe work will be taking place.
- Provide project information signs with expected timeline and area of work.
- Contact property owner to schedule access to utility as a City permit does not grant access to utility easements.
- Have available onsite a copy of the traffic control plan and the permit
- Contractor to schedule and coordinate all traffic control, including sidewalk closures and lane closures with the Inspector.
- Equipment and materials are not allowed to be stored in Fort Worth ROW without prior approval.
- Coordinate work so no pits are left open over weekends or holidays. Coordinate work with any on-going construction in the area.
- Contact property owners prior to any changes to landscaping or tree trimming.
- Contractor is responsible for damaged pavement reimbursement to cfw for excavations in new asphalt paging and/or full panel concrete replacement. This includes damages occurred by driving or parking heavy equipment and/or vehicles on designated sidewalks or shared pathways.
- Contractor is required to hire an approved, licensed plumber at their cost, to repair any damage to City water or sanitary sewer services in Right of Way or in an easement per City Ordinance No. 25387-03-2022.
- Contractor is required to hire an approved, licensed irrigator to perform any repairs on an irrigation system if damaged per City Ordinance No. 18444-01-2009. Both a Licensed Plumber and Licensed Irrigator must obtain a permit and inspection through Development Services.
• There shall be no grading, excavating, storing of supplies or vehicular traffic inside the dripline of trees.
- Coordinate with the City Forester for any variances, 817.392.5738. Roots 2” in diameter or greater on trees growing in the City right-of-way (ROW) shall not be cut without PARD City Forester prior approval. To schedule an onsite ROW tree consult, call 817-392-5738.
The Transportation and Public Works (TPW) Right of Way management team has the authority to issue fines to all parties in violation of these requirements.
For matters not addressed via the inspector and My FW App, please contact the TPW Construction Superintendent Jeff Underhill.
- Contractor Requirements(PDF, 336KB)
- Street Use Franchise Utility Permit Application(PDF, 202KB)
- Utility Inspector Contacts(PDF, 1MB)
- ACA - How To - Register New User(PDF, 227KB)
- ACA - How To - Create an Application - UT Permit Submittal Process(PDF, 1MB)
- ACA - How To - Invalid Street Name Resolution(PDF, 328KB)
- ACA - How To - Upload Additional Documents(PDF, 329KB)
- How To Search Mapsco Number(PDF, 154KB)
- Required - 48 Hour Notification(PDF, 181KB)
- Required - Contractor Notification Sign(PDF, 380KB)
- HOA/Neighborhood Association Notifications(PDF, 198KB)
- Required - Daily Route Sheet Instructions(PDF, 1MB)
- Core Hole Repair(PDF, 1MB)
- Examples of Pedestrian Control (Good and Bad)(PDF, 1MB)
- Requesting Locates for City Facilities(PDF, 192KB)
- Accela Citizen Access (