Capital Projects


The City of Fort Worth is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, and infrastructure and capital facilities play a critical part in that continued growth.

The construction projects in these pages are projects that the city has funded, and committed to complete in the coming years. They include everything from the creation of new buildings and infrastructure, to the maintenance and upkeep of existing facilities.

A complete list of projects is available (and searchable) below. For those interested in specific types of projects, or want to see all projects in a certain council district, those pages are available below as well.

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Projects by district

Expand the arrow to the right of the district you would like to review. This will display all the projects for the district. Click the title of the project to view district's project.



Projects by category

Expand the arrow to the right of the category you would like to review. This will display the grouped category. Click the title of the project to view more about the project.